Welcome to Pharmaceutical Calculations!
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Our search indicated that pharmaceutical calculations are neither available online nor for free.
This site has been developed to make pharmaceutical calculations to be worked out easily by pharmacists, students and by everyone whohave atleast a little idea about pharmaceutical calculations
Your comments and criticism about this site are highly appreciated.
It wouldn't be fair, if we skip to thank our Technical Guru Mr. SAMPATH KUMAR RAJU . It is to his full credit that the calculations transformed from our Visual Basic format to this website.
We also thank the following members for visiting our site and for the encouragement given by them through feedback.
Visitor: Prof.Abay Dharamsi, Principal @KMCH College Of Pharmacy, COIMBATORE.feedback: Hats off to you. You have done an excellent job. You have made Pharma Calculations very easy by bringing out this site. Pray god for all your success with hard work and dedication to the noble profession of pharmacy. Hearty Congratulations to you and the team involved.
Visitor: D. Brian Casady @med.va.gov feedback: If you could show the formulas used, it would be a help.
Visitor: Robin Molle' @pharmacy.umsmed.edu feedback: This is an excellent tool in field of drug preparation. Thank you!
Visitor: Georgette @facstaff.wisc.edu feedback: I only visited briefly but it looks great. Thanks for the nice tool. Hey anyone of you interested in coming to America.
Visitor: Paul Stickings @brighton.ac.uk feedback: Excellent. I especially like the conversion for units of radioactivity!
Visitor: Prof. William Letendre @pccarx.com feedback: This may be helpful as a supplement to an actual pharmaceutical calculations online class. I will continue to evaluate. Thank you.
Visitor: Frank Ernst @pharmacy.arizona.edu feedback: A typographical error exists in "creatin[i]ne clearance rate:" for which I would suggest that you replace the missing letter "i" where appropriate. Otherwise, a very nice web site!
Visitor: kimberly @pharmacy.arizona.edu feedback: This is fabulous. What a great job!! Thanks Kimberly UOFA College of Phamacy Class 2002
Visitor: V.SADHIS KUMAR@ R & D of Blue Cross labs. Ltd., at Nasik. feedback: Dear sir, I am verymuch delighted to see ur mail about pharmaceutical calculations. I am very proud about Mr. Soundra pandian, final year B.Pharm students of R.V.S college and all the hands helped to create this wonderful and useful site on cyber space. I would like to let u know about myself that I am working in R & D of Blue Cross labs. Ltd., at Nasik. I am will be very happy to extend my hands towards the any need our pharmaceutical soceity. Thanking you. Meet you soon. yours beloved, V.SADHIS KUMAR
Visitor: shanmugam kumar@ torrent research centre. feedback: hai friends, i am kumar from torrent research centre and i came to this site through my friend mr.sadhis kumar. this site was very much userful for me in some critical calculation for developing some new formulations .good and keep it up. Kumar
Visitor: wujiayi @cc.ncu.edu.tw. feedback: if there exist Chinese version, it would be better!
Visitor: Rick Couldry @Kumc.edu feedback: Your website is very good. You all did a very thororugh and complete job. I will encourage the pharmacy students and pharmacists here to visit your site.
Visitor: AC Capomacchia @mail.rx.uga.edu feedback: Very nice, however, I conducted only a cursory visit to the site. I will take more time my next visit. I look forward to a downloadable copy of the next version as soon as it is available. Thank you!!!
Visitor: , A. N. DESHPANDE @ FEM CARE PHARMA LTD. feedback: Dear Sir, We are one of the leading manufacturers of Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Products in India and currently working on a speciality cream. We observed that most of the known emulsifiers have failed to give a stable emulsion because the pH is low and the product also contains oxygenating compounds such as Hydrogen Peroxide, Sodium Peroxide, etc. Wonder if you can suggest a suitable emulsifier / an optimum HLB range where one should be working. Regards, A. N. DESHPANDE R & D MANAGER FEM CARE PHARMA LTD., D-55, MIDC, AMBAD, NASHIK - 422 010 MAHARASHTRA, INDIA
Visitor: PROF. R.MAHESH @bits-pilani.ac.in feedback: Besides giving calculated values, a little theory of why and how the calculations are made and how they affect the4 dose may be of help to persons in terms of understanding the concepts involved. Thanks.
Visitor: G Bresnen @livjm.ac.uk feedback: This site would be better if it could be used as a learning tool - ie. gave people information about how to work out the calculations and not simply do the calculations. As it is it is very interesting but not very useful.
Visitor: K.Ravinder @drreddys.com feedback: It is excellent
Visitor: Yuliaxis Ramayo Caldas @udg.co.cu feedback: To my like can comunicate whit your because, I´m are one cuban estudient of veterinary medicine, and my programer one software so similar to your pages for dose calculator.
Visitor: Nancy Moyer, R.Ph. @state.pa.us feedback: I am looking for the equations how to calculate not for the results. You may want to include equations.
Visitor: William Quan @mednet.ucla.edu feedback: Referring a dietician to your site for calculating mg of drug from mEq given. Thanks, WillieVisitor: Dr Lisa Lim (DPhil) @tpg.com.au. feedback: Good work! However patient compliance calculation is not comprehensive enough. It does not take into account number of tablets per day etc. Regards, Lisa
Visitor: Roberta @umich.edu feedback: trying to remember how to calculate mol/liter or what does it mean?
Visitor: Anupam Hazra @wockhardtin.com feedback: Please let me know that can you send me the basic calculations formulae for calculating pH of molar solutions, pKa value etc.
Visitor: sam @stjohns.edu. feedback: It is interesting to see how this has been operationalized. A good approach.
Visitor: DJ O'Brien, PharmD @allina.com. feedback: Very handy site, thanks.
Visitor: Nancy Liu @pharmacy.arizona.edu feedback: Your web page is very neat. It make calculating a BSA easy and other difficult calculations.
Visitor: Susie @ community college in Muncie Indiana. feedback: I found your website quite interesting and informative. I am in a pharm class for x0ray techs. This class is in a community college in Muncie Indiana.
Visitor: Allen Samonte @myplanetnutrition.com. feedback: please include other pharmaceutical sciences that are related to this link.. thank you and your site is very educational not only for sutdents, but also for us who have forgotten what we've learned when we were still students...
Visitor: tejas @ bombay university. feedback: i m on second year b.pharm bombay university extremly good site. it is very helpful.
Visitor: Alan B. Combs @mail.utexas.edu. feedback: no molasses slow popups!
Visitor: Robin Molle' @pharmacy.umsmed.edu. feedback: This is an excellent tool in field of drug preparation. Thank you!
Visitor: balrajan@ alkem ulticare. feedback: hai friend , i am balraj bpharm graduate in madurai medical college. now i am working alkem ulticare in coimbatore base. i appreciate u & ur web site.this is very much use full for phamates. ok i will contact u next mailbye c u
Visitor: K Lucas @hsc.wvu.edu feedback: Very nice site. Have you thought about making a downloadable format for PDA/Palm Pilot use?
Visitor: David Hui Ka Wai @ Hong Kong. feedback: Dear Sir, Hello! I am a Pharm. Studies student in Hong Kong. I am so proud of your program and I look forward to hearing from you. yours sincerely, David Hui Ka Wai
Visitor: Caro G.@ from El Salvador. feedback: Thanks for a terrific and very, very, very helpful site ..... A heartful Congrats!!!! from El Salvador, it's a magnificent job!!!!
Visitor: Mr Hisham Abu Osba @ Jordan feedback: This site is very good and useful we hope you could develop it to include more calculations reg. pgarm. formulations, stability studies, analysis, method development, validation, et.c. Keep up the good work best regards, Hisham Abu Osba MSc Chem. Jordan
Visitor: katrina Goddard. feedback: great website; thanks for making this available to those of us who work with pharmaceuticals on a daily basis
Visitor: Emily Tucker feedback: I am just starting to learn how to calculate drug dosages for a future nursing degree!!!! Your site will be very helpful to me in the near future!!! Thank you
Visitor: sakhan feedback: Really speaking the truth as a clinical Pharmacist you have done a very woderful work, I will not hesitate to mentiuon that you R a brilliant man with all the knowldge, keep it up and remember one thing that you are helping the mankind. Regards SAKhan
Visitor: Dr Garduño. feedback: well your page is a very good tool for the medics and the students to the contry dont change
Visitor: Mohan M. Chinny. feedback: A wonderful website! Hats off to you guys! I was really thrilled in the first instinct when I got through this in Google and I immediately add it into my favourites. I had faced so many problems during my Pharma days (1996) not knowing these things. Keep it up!!
Visitor: Lakshmi Narayana K @ ucpsalumni.org. feedback: Nice site. I was looking for Lecture Notes and logic of calculations. You see many pharma graduates of Indian Origin appear for the FPGEC/NAPLEX exams in US. There is a heavy dose of Pharmaceutical Calculations in both these exams and later in the practice. A Good Effort. Lakshmi Narayana K. Web site designer www.ucpsalumni.org Univeristy College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Warangal AP, India.
Visitor: . Maria Glaucia Teixeira Maria Glaucia Teixeira, PhD Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics School of Pharmacy, Laramie, WY feedback: To whom it may concern: I am interested in your site but couldn't get much of what is available in http://pharmcal.tripod.com. I would like to see how the site handles specific types of calculation used in the pharmacy profession and if it could be of use for our students taking PharmCalc in our school. Thank you.
Visitor: Nate Rickles, Pharm.D., M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison feedback: Dear Pharmacy Students: Nice work and congratulations for your efforts. I am sure there will be many students who will benefit from this effort. Just a few quick suggestions that might help users of your site. First, please consider adding a table of contents or some guide as to what topics are available on the site. This especially useful for the student or professional not clear as to what topics might be covered by the term "pharmaceutical calculations". Second, in your introduction, you might want to give a little history of how the site came about, how you expect the site to help others and who do you specifically expect to benefit. Third, it is not clear what these med411 awards means. Might you explain the organization, their expertise in critiquing pharm calc information and what the criteria of the award is. I am sure there are many members of the pharmacy community, such as myself, not familiar with this award. Fourth, it is not clear what is a reasonable search strategy using the site. You might want to give examples. For example, I wanted to review pharm calc on anticonvulsants and I typed in "anticonvulsants" and came up with nothing. I think this latter point ties in with the importance of the table of contents or some indicator of the specific content areas of the site. Fifth, what does "clear" and "fuzzy" mean? If you expect your users to use these terms as criteria, then you will need to define them. In sum, I suspect you folks have a little more front end work to do before you let others use your site. Try to make it as "user friendly" as possible. This is not mention to discourage you. The intent of my message is to celebrate your efforts and to help your work more usable for those you want to benefit. :) Good luck my friends.
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Bharathiraja Darwin Eric Fernando Muthamil Selvan Chidambaram Soundrapandian |
11th May 2001 | |
R.V.S.College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sulur 641 402 India |